Saturday, January 18, 2014

Ponky the Giant Squid

I may have been crazy, but I did it anyways, I made an eight foot long stuffed giant squid.

M loves sea creatures these days, and when I saw these directions pinned on Pinterest… and with Mr. OHM's encouragement, I had to make it.  Lots of fleece and a GIANT bag of stuffing later, here he is!

He greeted the kids Christmas morning and M was thrilled, giving him lots of hugs before he had him attacking the pirate ship he got from Oma (oh and massaging him with his new toy drill too… poor Ponky).

The directions I had were pretty good, and I think he turned out well.. Stuffing the loges tentacles was a super huge pain, and I ended up having to add a second opening (more hand sewing yay!)

And I was sooo on top of things before Christmas that I was sewing the eye on Christmas morning before they kids woke up…. 

Why Ponky you ask?  I have no idea, that's just what M named him, and I think it's rather cute.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 - A Short Review

Sure I didn't sew or blog as much as I wanted in 2013 (I'm blaming getting used to having two kids and trying to sell a house!), but I'm still happy with what I made!

So heres a little recap.

And here are a few things that I made by haven't blogged (and might not blog) yet.

I also started making these scarves from woven wraps to sell just last month.  I've sold a number, and we'll see how it goes, I do love them! (more details on my Facebook page HERE.)

What in store for 2014?  I'll keep it simple.

- Sew mostly from my stash.  I managed to acquire a LOT of new patterns and fabrics this year (probably because I have easy access to all the lovely stuff at Fabrications!)  So I plan to sew mostly from that this year!
- Learn to draft patterns.  I'm taking a course on drafting a skirt at Fabrications next week so hopefully that will go well!
- Organize and finish setting up my sewing room, I moved and started this in the summer, and when it's done it will be awesome!  I also plan to better organize my fabrics/patterns/projects (in an app or database)  I so easily loose track of what fabric I have and what I plan to do with it!

How was your 2013?  And whats planned for 2014?

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